Bank Account Opening
Professional Company Bank Account Opening Service
In recent years, international efforts in combating illegal activities including money laundering, terrorist financing and tax evasion have stepped up significantly. This, coupled with various sanctions regimes, have prompted banks to enhance their anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing (AML/CFT) controls in general, including a more stringent customer due diligence process for new and existing customers.
As one of important financial center in the world, Hong Kong is close to China but without restriction on funds transfer, is an ideal place for making investment and setting up bank accounts for international investors. However, banks have different requirements on corporate bank account opening. A company’s director without prior network or full understanding of the account opening requirements may fail to set up the company bank account. This will bring a significant impact on their business and increase the set up time and cost.
We have established direct, strong and long term relationship with Hong Kong’s international banks and provide professional company bank account opening service in Hong Kong. We have deep understanding of the regulatory and company bank account opening requirements from different banks. Over years, we have successfully set up many bank accounts for customers. With our professional corporate bank account opening service, we will fully review each account opening case, provide professional recommendation to our network banks, provide the required certification documents and arrange directors set up their bank account.
Our professional bank account opening service:
- Base on the background of the company and director, business nature of the company, documents available, to select suitable network bank for bank account opening
- Provide professional recommendation for corporate bank account opening to our network banks.
- Review bank account opening documents and discuss with clients
- Provide and submit bank the required certification documents, board minutes/ resolution, etc
- Arrange director/ shareholder to meet with our network bank
- Follow up on account opening situation
- Pay cheque on behalf of bank account opening (Some Hong Kong Banks do not accept cash for account opening and require a cheque issued by Hong Kong Bank, since their corporate business center cannot handle cash transactions)
Advantages of opening bank account in Hong Kong:
- No restriction on foreign exchange remittance, free transfer of funds
- Convenience in settlement of international trades
- No interest tax with a higher actual revenues of deposits
- Free conversion of currencies
- Convenient daily account operation and online bank transactions
- Banks offer online banking services with extremely high security specifications
- Convenience in getting trade financing from international banks
- Eligible deposits in any currency are subject to Hong Kong deposit protection
Required documents:
- Company registration particulars, such as Company Registration Certificate, Business Registration Certificate, Articles of Association, Incorporation Form or Annual Return, etc.
- Identification and proof of address in the last 3 months for shareholders, directors, ultimate beneficial owner, authorized signers
- Business certification particulars, such as orders, purchase and sales invoices, contracts, bills of lading, etc.
- Registration particulars of affiliated company (if any)
- Affiliated company’s bank transaction records in the last 3 months (if any)
Seeking professional services to elevate your business?
With 15+ years of industry experience, our expert team is committed to delivering tailored solutions that drive success.
Address: Unit 915, 9/F, North Tower, Concordia Plaza, 1 Science Museum Road,
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, HK
Tel: (852) 3577 8803
Wechat/Whatsapp/Line: (852) 5982 0218
Fax: (852) 3577 8804
Address: RM 2404, 24/F, World-Wide House, 19 Des Voeux Road Central, Central, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3577 8803
Wechat/Whatsapp/Line: (852) 5982 0218
Fax: (852) 3577 8804
Address: 51 Goldhill Plaza, no. 08-02, Singapore 308900, Singapore
Tel: (65) 9234 9085
(65) 6853 9593
Wechat/Whatsapp/Line: (852) 5982 0218
Fax: (852) 3577 8804